How to make a claim

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It is important that you assess whether the cover you buy covers all your needs and is suitable for you. If you do not do this exercise before buying and carefully make the selection so that if you did make a claim, you would be able to receive the benefits the policy offers.
Best Insurance sells a range of insurance products. The details of your insurer and the policy administrator are mentioned in your policy wordings.
It is important that you register your claim with the insurer or their policy administrators as soon as possible. You can request a claim form by either telephone or post. The claim form will be in a different format depending on the type of claim involved and will probably need completing in part by you and in part by others. (If you write to us to request a claim form, please ensure that you tell us as much as you can about the circumstances in order that we know which claim form to issue).
The claim form should be fully completed as soon as possible and returned to insurer or their policy administrator as mentioned in the policy wordings. You should provide all relevant relevant information requested. Please ensure that your claim forms arrive at the insurer no later than 30 days after the start of the circumstances that led to the claim. If the claim form is not received within the 30 days and the insurer will deem that the delay has had an effect on our ability to obtain the evidence required to investigate your claim, and payments will be declined.
You must supply and pay for all information or evidence the insurer or their policy administrators ask for to support your initial claim and throughout your claim.
At any time throughout the period of a claim the insurer or their policy administrator can require you to attend a medical examination or have our medical officer study your medical records. If the insurer or their policy administrators require this evidence, they will usually pay the fees charged by the doctor carrying out the medical examination and also medical officer’s fees. If you fail to attend any appointment the insurer or their policy administrators reasonably arrange, all claim payments will cease.
The insurers or their policy administrator may also arrange, at any time during a claim period, for a member of their staff, or the staff of another company acting on their behalf, to call on you and discuss the progress you are making in getting back to work.
When making a claim under this policy you should continue to pay the monthly premium, as failure to pay could affect your claim and the continuation of your cover. A brief overview of requirements and a checklist for payment protection and income protection insurance is listed below. For more details specific to your individual case, please refer to your policy wordings. The section “How to Claim” gives the full detail on the requirements and claims process.
- Permanently living and working in the UK.
- You are aged above 18 years and not reached 65 years while making this claim
- Actively worked in paid employment for at least 16 hours per week
- Eligible to register with the Job Centre Plus if unemployed or hours are reduced to less than 16 hours per week
- The claim has not occurred before the start date of the policy, after the waiting period chosen and in case of sickness not for any medical conditions that already existed before buying the policy.
- The benefit that will be claimed is not more than the amount chosen by you when you bought the policy.
- The claim has not occurred with in the stipulated initial exclusion period in your policy wordings.