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Best Risk Management and Financial Service Limited are committed to providing digital services to people with disabilities.

This web site has been built with accessibility in mind. All steps have been taken to make sure this web site is accessible to all.

Standards Compliance

All pages on this site use valid markup, validated using the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) online validator.

Presentation has been separated from content, using external style sheets. The style sheets have been validated using the W3C’s style sheet validator.

All pages on this site comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG).

Downloading PDF documents

To read PDF documents with a screen reader please visit the Adobe® Reader® 9 which provides useful tools and resources. Adobe also has a free online conversion tool for PDFs.

Browser compatibility

The standard supported browser versions are:
Internet Explorer v7.0+
Firefox v2.0+
Netscape 6.2+
On Windows platforms only (NT4, 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP)
Our site may well work on other browsers and browser versions and on other operating systems, however they are not currently supported.

Further information

To learn more about web accessibility visit the RNIB Web Access Centre
Obtain a copy of the screen reader JAWS

If you have difficulty accessing the site or have any comments or feedback, please do not hesitate to get in touch.